12th December 2023
This week, we had an excellent workshop facilitated by our very own Mrs Esmail (Mama Ayaad) who taught our excited Year 6 students some fantastic art techniques to create Tehzib geometric paintings. First, the children had to carefully trace out a geometric design and transfer it onto canvas using powdered clay. What a challenge for our students to make sure that they traced over every line to create a complete pattern! Next, our students eagerly chose gouache paint in colours of their choice and worked tirelessly to paint within the lines using round and flat brushes. We were impressed with their perseverance and enthusiasm to finish painting the pattern. Finally, the students outlined their painting with markers and were thrilled to sign their names. Some students even had a go at drawing on some motifs, which was very tricky to do. We thank Mrs Esmail for sharing her time, passion and knowledge with our students and we hope that the students get to showcase their paintings at home.