Fee Structure

Basic fees (2024/2025 academic year)

Year Group Annual Tuition Fee (USD) Deposit (USD)
Crèche 8,385 300
FS1 9,390 300
FS2 10,830 300
Year 1 to 6 16,800 300
Years 7 to 9 18,480 300
Year 10 18,480 300
Year 11 (Two Billings) 18,480 300
Year 12 18,480 300


Year Group Transport Type Annual Transport Fee (USD)
FS2, Year 1 to 12 Zone 1 819
FS2, Year 1 to 12 Zone 2 972
FS2, Year 1 to 12 Zone 3 1,134
FS2, Year 1 to 12 Zone 4 1,296
FS2, Year 1 to 12 Zone 5 1,623

Payment may be made in Tanzanian Shillings (Please contact the school accountant for the exchange rate)

Deposits are charged once on joining the school but must be topped up if deductions are made for losses or breakages. The deposit (or balance thereof) is refundable at the end of a pupil’s final term following clearance by the headteacher.

Important information about school fees

  1. The above Fees indicate costs for Tuition, School Transport services and Refundable Deposit but do not include Enrolment(Registration) or Examinations Fees.
  2. Applications for placement at the school are only processed on the return of a duly completed APPLICATION FORM and on
    the payment of a non-refundable REGISTRATION FEE of USD 100. In certain Year Groups where vacancies are limited, a 20% advance payment of the tuition fee is payable against the First Term’s invoice. This advance payment is not refundable if confirmed places are not taken up. Children who cannot be accommodated immediately are put on a waiting list.
  3. Fees above are in US DOLLARS, PER TERM, and are billed in AUGUST, DECEMBER and APRIL. The above fees are fully inclusive of all approved textbooks and exercise books
  4. EARLY PAYMENT DISCOUNT: Fees are payable on or before the first day of each term. A discount of 3% on TUITION fees for the next term, is given when FULL payment is made within 6 days of the due date.
  5. FAMILY DISCOUNTS, on TUITION FEES only are given as follows:
    2nd Child: 10%
    3rd Child: 20%
    4th Child: 30%
    5th & subsequent Child: 40%
  6. FAMILY DISCOUNTS, on TRANSPORT only are allowed subject to students being on the same route in bills at 50% for the 2nd and each subsequent sibling.
  7. A SURCHARGE of 1.25% is levied PER MONTH for the late payment of fees
  8. Activity fees are charged separately and are normally accompanied by an official letter from the HEADTEACHER.
  9. A FULL TERM’S NOTICE in writing and the HEADTEACHER’S acknowledgment in writing of the same is required for withdrawals else, a FULL TERM’S FEES IS PAYABLE in lieu of such notice.
  10. The Board of Directors reserves the right to alter the fees at four months’ notice.
BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cambridge International Examinations
Kenyan International Schools Association