Victorian Day

3rd June 2023

On a sunny Tuesday on the 30th of May, the Year 3 children entered the school gates, fully dressed in Victorian costume, ready for the festivities of Victorian day. The classroom display boards were covered in dull-looking fabrics, the desks and chairs were arranged in organised rows, and the children were asked to enter the classroom in silence. They were shown to their desks by a strangely dressed teacher, all in the efforts to mimic the Victorian era. First, the children chuckled as they selected Victorian names for the day, with the names Augustus or Augusta being the popular choice of the day, for some reason. Next, the children created name tags in cursive and made pristine observational drawings of an arrangement of stones and twigs. From this, their favourite part was to make a Victorian bread and butter pudding from scratch and to watch it slowly bake over hot charcoal. They also had a go at hand whipping cream and carefully chopping strawberries for the toppings. The children patiently waited for lunch time, where they then devoured the entire pudding treat. Intermingled throughout the day were Victorian parlour games, Victorian music, creating a model of a school house, and the most exciting (and somewhat scary) experience of a visit from a (pretend) Victorian teacher. A special thanks to our very own Ms Simon for her superb acting skills in transporting the children back into a Victorian classroom. The children understood how strict, painful and difficult the life of a Victorian student was. Why not ask your child what their favourite or even puzzling part of the day was?

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Cambridge International Examinations
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Council of International Schools
Tanzanian International Schools Association