Middle School Model United Nations

2nd February 2025

Model United Nations is an incredible one week conference for young people who are Middle school age (although we did see some beards). In preparation for the event, delegates research their country or organisation in order to have in depth knowledge, for example of its wealth, population and political allies. Delegates can also submit resolutions (these outline an issue and suggest effective solutions) which follow strict guidelines. We learnt you should always include Sustainable Development Goals in your preambulatory clauses (Ashley and Isabelle’s favourite is gender equality as you can see from picture below where we found all the SDGs in the UN

HQ). It is a privilege and honour to have yours chosen as it means when the conference begins you are guaranteed to speak on the podium and have your voice and ideas heard. Once the conference commences each resolution is debated with time for and against the resolution and opportunities for amendments to be made. Other delegates can be absolutely savage and if they spot any shortcomings or oversights in your resolution they will tear it apart!!! Some resolutions crash and burn and others are applauded by the masses. There are opportunities to get involved in judging, workshops and giving a speech which all enhance your experience and time at the United Nations HQ. The grounds are stunning. So if you are someone who cares about the world, have aspirations to be a politician, love debating, meeting people, problem solving and having fun I would whole heartedly recommend that you join MUN in August and sign up to EAMUN in Nairobi by September 2025 to make our Braeburn Dar team bigger and better than ever before!

M- Middle

S- School

M- Model

U- United

N- Nations

Day 1: marked the beginning of MSMUN. When we got there we all felt nervous because people, this is the UN and not some practice MUN debate in random schools. When we first got there the outside of the UN looked like a warehouse (because they made us come through the back entrance to not crowd up the main place) and then we got our visitor passes and we walked to the general assembly hall and trust me in saying that wearing heels was not the best idea. We were then admitted into the hall. There was a thousand people in there.
The next part is shocking because they started off the assembly with memes. We were really surprised because we were told it was serious and nerve wrecking. They then opened the debate and we were told to go to our committee rooms. Health and technology were in the hall because they were the biggest committees. We started with the debates with our chairs. At about 12:30 we had our lunch but different groups had different lunch times. We then went to get a table because we already had our own lunch from BGE. After eating we went to check out the mass of flags arranged outside. We then went back in at 13:00 to finish our last resolutions of the day. We then met up and started our trek up the hill to the gates. We got in the bus that we shared with Braeburn Kisumu and made our way back to BGE awaiting the very next day. - By Isabelle

Day 2:
saw the chairs introduce a UNICEF workshop and judging of a special summit, Hayaam and I (Sabrina) were able to participate in both of these events (which were very hard to get into) and gained quite a lot out of it! We began with the workshop in the morning and learnt about the different factors that lead children worldwide into not getting basic needs. These were malnutrition, lack of education, and poverty. After identifying the problems, we got into groups and wrote down potential solutions for how to resolve the issue. Luckily enough, Hayaam and I landed in the same group and alongside our group members, we decided on creating water harvesting systems and solar powered infrastructure as well as educating the farmers and workers about proper methods of construction and farming.
This was to improve water, food and energy security in the areas thus leading to less poverty and more job opportunities for the locals. The special summit judging was only five people selected out of the hundreds who were signing up. Once again, Hayaam and I, being two out of the five. We got to experience being the hosts of a debate on whether or not parents should be held accountable for posting their children online. From laughing about the 8 passengers to the wrong winners being announced to having moments of silence for refugees, it was truly an eventful day. - By Sabrina

Day 3:
was based off of UNHRC for refugees, to make sure to remember them.However, At general assembly, Ashley was dress coded as her skirt slit was shorter than four fingers which went against the rules.She was then “shaded” which is a term of getting a warning after you have violated the regulations. Everyone was almost done with debating all their resolutions when suddenly they were stunned to be introduced to a “crisis”.
This “crisis”was different for everyone, based of what committee you were in, for example my crisis was based on how to ensure the safety of 6000 migrants from DRC migrating to the border of North Kenya. Everyone was split into groups to create a resolution made off of only operatives to deal with the crisis. Everyone in your committee would either debate for or against your resolution with the sponsor opening it.I was lucky enough to be chosen to be sponsor and got the special moment of introducing my crisis.At the end everyone voted the best resolution that was made. We spent the evening having dinner, 9D did a 9D VR and we are gelato! - By Hayaam

Day 4: was Culture day, and last day of our MUN conference. In the general assembly, we got a speech from a JC(Junior chair) about reality and engagement. We also got a speech from a SC (Senior chair) who was showing her appreciation to all members of the executive team. We debated our final resolutions, and then before we got released for lunch break, we filmed a committee tiktok. In health and tech, we switched off all our lights, turned our phone flashlights on and our chairs Sang ‘Perfect’ by Ed Sheeran. After a particularly short Lunch break, we all went back in the general assembly room for the closing ceremony. We got a very heartfelt speech from a board member. Then, awards were announced by the SC's of each committee.
We got to see a lovely video from the media team, covering the events of the week. We got a little laugh from the winner of the best tiktok video, and finally, the assembly was declared closed for debate. Before leaving, we went to the back of the UN compound to take photos at the ‘KaribUNi’ sign. It was truly a refreshing end to such a lovely week. The cultural outfits were very diverse and stunning, and the week was extremely enjoyable. MsMun31 was an absolutely outstanding experience, and I recommend you to come next year. - By Ashley

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Cambridge International Examinations
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