Lower School

31st August 2024

The smallest children in Primary School have had a fantastic back to school experience. They have all come back with fantastic smiles on their faces with an infectious enthusiasm that really brought joy to the teachers.

Year 1 have settled into life in Year 1 with ease. Mr Mathew brought in a feathered friend for the children to observe and write about- which caused lots of excitement throughout the school!! We can’t wait to see the wonderful writing that comes as a result of this exciting interaction! Talking to your child about the world around them is an invaluable way to build vocabulary and observe nature. What animals do you see around your house?

Year 2 have also settled into school life as if they never left. They have been showing off their place value knowledge and ably using the base ten materials to explain how numbers to 100 are made. They have loved reading Handa’s Surprise and enjoying imaginative play in the role play corner- set up like a traditional African house. We are going to be learning about Tanzania Independence- do any of the elders in the family remember that day in 1961? We would love to speak to them in class!

Year 3 have made the jump from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 and are loving it! They have been setting a great example for the younger students to follow. In science lessons, they have been learning about food groups and the importance of a healthy and balanced diet. Ask your child about the food pyramid and how this can help us to lead a healthy lifestyle.

All in all, we are all glad to be back and excited for the challenges that the year ahead will hold!

The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
Kenyan International Schools Association