
23rd March 2024

All the Primary classes are really enthusiastic and they are making encouraging progress in learning French and discovering new topics in Term 2.

Years 1 and 2 are getting increasingly confident in recalling days of the week and in recognising the name of some wild animals. The classes are now working on learning to count in French up to 15 and even count backwards!

Year 3 created nice posters choosing their favourite farm animals to place in their own farm. They are now busy creating labels for classroom objects and furniture. Those will be pinned in their own classroom in order to be exposed to the French words in their daily environment.

Some year 4 pupils brought photos to create a lovely display with their family tree in French while the whole class now is very comfortable recognising and using the vocabulary about sports. Some nice educational videos made by native speakers were used in class to practise the new topic and the class did really well in understanding French people expressing themselves! Soon we shall be learning about saying simple phrases about the weather.

Years 5 and 6 are now confidently able to name, write and recognise places in town and shops. The class also learned how to say the time with a variety of visual and audio stimuli. We mostly focused on learning the 12 hour clock in order to use it with phrases to describe their daily routine.

Overall it has been a very busy and productive second term in French in the Primary department.
