21st April 2023
The Early Years children have returned to school with excitement and have noticed a few changes in their environment, especially in the outdoor area. It has been lovely to hear about their adventures in the holidays and to see friends reconnect and play together.
We have had lots of fun playing in the rain this week, collecting rainwater and listening to the different noises the rain makes when it falls into different containers. Exploring weather is always a fun introduction to Science and the children laughed as they got splashed and dripped on!
We have welcomed some new children to the setting and our Creche classroom has had a makeover! Baby Club started again on Wednesday 10.00am-11.00am, if you have a child under 3 years old you are welcome to join us.
We are looking forward to a busy term ahead with a trip planned, Fathers Day Stay and Play, Sports Day and FS2 starting their transition into Year 1. Welcome to Term 3!