
26th October 2024

Drama Newsletter

In drama class this term, our high school students have made significant strides in developing essential performance and production skills as they rehearse for the upcoming school production of Aladdin Jr. This whole-school production is a highlight in the Braeburn school calendar, providing students with the chance to apply the drama techniques they have learned in class to a real-world performance setting. Through focused rehearsals, students are honing their skills in memorising lines, mastering choreography, and understanding stage concepts, all while enhancing their teamwork and communication abilities. These rehearsals foster collaboration, stage presence, and self-confidence, while also teaching students valuable time management and responsibility as they balance their academic work with the demands of a live performance. Participating in a school production also offers holistic benefits, building students’ self-esteem, discipline, and creative expression—all crucial life skills beyond the stage.

Incorporating these rehearsals into drama class is essential, as it ensures students have the space to refine their craft, experiment with different performance techniques, and work collaboratively towards a shared goal. The school production represents an important milestone in their drama education, offering a platform for personal growth and achievement.

At Key Stage 4, our IGCSE students are not only preparing for their Drama 0411 exams but are also taking on leadership roles as student directors for Aladdin Jr. As part of their exam preparation, they are gaining hands-on experience directing their peers, developing skills in blocking scenes, guiding performances, and making creative decisions about staging and choreography. This directorial experience is invaluable, aligning with their exam requirements, which include demonstrating a deep understanding of both the actor’s and director’s perspectives. By leading aspects of the school production, they are also improving their ability to interpret dramatic texts, communicate effectively with performers, and solve problems in real time—key skills that will enhance their performance in their final exams. The combination of directing and rehearsing prescribed texts as actors, directors, and set designers strengthens their critical thinking, creativity, and confidence, all of which will be pivotal to their academic success and future drama projects.



GL Education Assessment Excellence
Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cambridge International Examinations
Kenyan International Schools Association
BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Independent Association of Prep Schools