
29th September 2024

Biology Newsletter

Braeburn International School Students Shine in Science Practical Skills

Students across Braeburn International School have demonstrated remarkable enthusiasm and dedication to developing their practical science skills, from Key Stage 3 through to Key Stage 5. Their eagerness to learn, combined with growing proficiency in identifying chemical changes, has led to significant improvements in their scientific understanding.

In particular, the students have excelled in food testing experiments, with many confidently identifying chemical reactions—a key skill in biological sciences.

Year 12 students have been particularly busy in the lab, mastering complex techniques such as calculating substance concentrations and performing semi-quantitative Benedict’s tests. Their studies in microbiology have also involved the fascinating exploration of their own cheek cells and hair types, bringing their learning to life through hands-on experiments.

Years 10 and 11 showcased their talents this week during challenging Paper 5 practical investigations. Both classes demonstrated a strong understanding of magnification calculations. These advanced students approached the tasks with confidence, displaying not only their ability to perform precise experiments but also to remain safe, supportive, and analytical throughout.

Meanwhile, Year 9 students channelled their excitement into building DNA models out of sweets. This fun and creative task helped them solidify their understanding of DNA structure, and their detailed explanations of the model’s components were impressive.

The Year 8 cohort showed excellent precision and care during their food testing investigations. They made accurate measurements and handled lab equipment responsibly, further enhancing their practical skills.

Lastly, Year 7 students have enjoyed a varied introduction to science this term, exploring topics such as first aid, human organs, organ systems, and the use of microscopes. Their engagement in both the classroom and the lab has been enthusiastic, setting a solid foundation for their future scientific studies.

Across all year groups, Braeburn’s students are embracing the world of science with curiosity and passion, showing that the future of scientific inquiry is in capable hands.

Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
IB World School Status
GL Education Assessment Excellence