Art Primary

9th September 2023

In Year 1 Art: This week’s lesson revolved around learning vocabulary for different types of lines. Learners made straight, curvy, wavy, diagonal, broken and any other lines they could imagine! They were each given a large piece of paper and instructed to “take their lines for a walk”. Lines started at the top of the page and ended at the bottom. After creating their different styles of lines with a marker they coloured in all the different sections to see how the colours interacted with each other.

In Year 2 Art: Learners used a range of art media such as watercolours, pencils and colour pencils to create their very own sunflower picture inspired by Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ (1888)

In Year 3 Art: Learners explored how lines can be explored to make water surface drawings while using colour pencils and artist felt tip pens.

In Year 4 Art: Learners have been learning about ‘Animals in Art’ with focus on animals of East Africa. This week they have been taken through a step by step drawing of a leopard using dry media while focussing on the visual elements of lines, shape and colour.

In Year 5 Art: Learners are currently exploring Celtic typography art. This week they used dry media while drawing or designing letters/names in celtic’s Morris initials font.

In Year 6 Art: Learners have started working on studies of a market place scene. This week they made line drawings of a market scene in dry media.

The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Association of International Schools in Africa
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Accredited Member)
Kenyan International Schools Association
Council of British International Schools