11th March 2024

Busy Week of Learning and Fun at Year 4!

It is been an action-packed week for our Year 4 students, filled with challenging learning experiences, laughter, and cherished memories of friendship and teamwork.

KS2 Production: "I’m An Eleven Years Old Get Me Out Of Here!

Year 4 had a blast collaborating with different year groups for the KS2 Production, "I’m An Eleven Years Old Get Me Out Of Here!" Working together was a joy, and their teamwork shone through during the big show on Friday, where they dazzled their parents with their performance.

PSHE Lessons: Exploring Safety Touch.

Students dived into the crucial topic of safety touch. Engaging in group discussions, they shared their thoughts on what secrets might upset them and whom they should trust when something is bothering them. It was heartening to see them actively participate and support each other in these important discussions.

English Lessons: Unraveling Mystery through Newspaper Reports.

Our future journalists had an exciting time crafting newspaper reports. They kicked off their investigations into the case of the missing classroom trays, and it brought them great delight to discover that the disappearance served as a gentle reminder to keep their trays clean and tidy. Keep up the great work, Year 4!

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The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)