Year 4

13th January 2024

The highlights this week have been

Circle Time! It is that magical part of the day when we come together as a class, sharing stories, thoughts, and dreams. From your tales of holiday and how you enjoyed each of your days and time with your family members and friends.

News Round: It has been our daily engagement with the BBC News Round. We have become little global explorers, discovering what is happening around the world. Keep those curious minds alive, Year 4, because who knows, one day you might be the ones making headlines!

Science lessons: We have embarked on a thrilling safari of animal classification. From mammals to reptiles, birds to amphibians, you have become true scientists, delving into the world of the animal kingdom. Your enthusiasm for learning and discovering the unique features of each creature is truly inspiring. Keep those binoculars handy; you never know what fascinating facts you might uncover next!

English lessons: The pages of your diary entry on how you spent your holiday are filled with tales of holiday adventures and explorations. Reading about your experiences from different places you visited brought the holidays to life in our classroom. It is incredible to see how you express your thoughts and emotions through writing.

Miss Igogo.