
23rd September 2023

At Braeburn Dar es Salaam International School, chemistry lessons offer an engaging fusion of theory and practical applications, rendering the subject both captivating and pertinent. The school is particularly enthusiastic about its Year 11 students, who are diligently progressing through their syllabus in preparation for the Christmas break.

Innovative Teaching: Our chemistry instructors employ pioneering teaching methods. They utilize interactive whiteboards, 3D models, and multimedia presentations to elucidate intricate theories, ensuring students grasp the fundamental concepts effectively.

Hands-On Experiments: Practical application lies at the core of our chemistry program. Students enthusiastically partake in hands-on experiments, where they can witness chemical reactions firsthand, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the subject.

Real-World Connections: Chemistry comes to life by linking it to real-world applications. From discussing environmental issues to exploring the chemistry of everyday products, students discern the relevance of chemistry in their lives.

Year 11 Syllabus Completion: Our Year 11 students receive special attention as they prepare for important examinations. They benefit from additional review sessions, practice exams, and one-on-one guidance to ensure they are well-prepared.

In this dynamic learning environment, students not only excel in their chemistry studies but also cultivate a lifelong passion for the subject, making each lesson a memorable and enriching experience.

Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Accredited Member)
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Association of International Schools in Africa